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Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Charizard's Ludibrium PQ Guide

About Ludi PQ

Well, lets get on. Ludi PQ can be done in Ludibrium , at the 101th floor

of Eos TOwer. As this PQ is new in MapleSEA it can sometimes be very crowded

once someone gives away a free track. This PQ consists of 10 stages and


6 members to enter. Once you are in, before you reach the boss stage, no


then 1 person is allowed to die or dc or you cant do Stage 8.When you reach


stage, any amount of people is allowed to die except a party leader and a


If more then 1 person dcs or die during a PQ before boss stage, your leader

has to

click on the toy soldier to get out and restart the PQ again.
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PQs in Ludibrium can be done between lvl 35 to 50. Its going to be




Getting In


Make sure your leader can MC very fast on the Red Sign. Mc actuallys stands

for manual click so those of you who plan to be PQ leaders, u have to know

the consequences of being a leader in charge of a party as sometimes if you

do not have a track to get into pq, you may have to MC all the way.


your hands can become quite tired while MCing or you feel like your finger


breaking. So think twice becoming a party leader.

Most important thing to get in is a track. Most people who become party


may not want to mc all the way. Once you have gotton a track, keep /find

-ing the

person till it reaches the last stage , A crack in the Wall. At this stage,


leader should starting Mcing. Gently encourage your leader and if you are


you may get into PQ. buy maple story powerleveling

Don't ever use an AC to get into PQ! AC is a short form of Auto-Click. As


story now has a nProtect, GameGuard,most people cant use AC anymore. But,


people still can. Why is that so? It is believed that people either change


profile of the GameGuard so they can use hacks OR it could be that people


ByPass to hack.So, never use hacks in maplestory or even AC. They are hacks


are easily seen by people. YOu may end up being reported and banned from


maple story for a long period of time. So beware if you are going to use AC.



Stage 1


THis stage consists of fighting. Once you successfully get into PQ, go up


immediately start fighting the Ratz and Dirty Ratz. All of them should drop


pass. Hand them to your leader before you enter stage 2. You need 25 passes


finish this stage so if your leader takes too long to go to where you are to


the passes, keep it with you as if it is left on the ground for too long, it


disappear, making the PQ a failaure.Once you cleared the stage,the leader


talk to the balloon in this stage. Enter the portal to stage 2 once you see


word Clear! on your screen. buy maple story powerleveling

Data on the Monsters



Ratz from Another Dimension


Level: 32

Experience: 260

HP: 3,700

Accuracy: 80

Avoidability: 13

Weapon attack: 112

Weapon defense: 85

Magic defense: 95


Black Ratz from Another Dimension


Level: 34

Experience: 280

HP: 4,300

Accuracy: 90

Avoidability: 14

Weapon attack: 125

Weapon defense: 95

Magic defense: 95



Stage 2


This stage is all about hitting boxes and getting passes from them. There


no monsters in here. Hit all the boxes in this stage except the 2nd box.


you have gotton all the passes, hand them to your leader and he/she will hit

the 2nd box and you will all be teleported to another stage where you have


hit even more boxes. This stage is still Stage 2,but called Tower's Trap.


you have hit every single box in this stage, go to the top and leave Tower's

Trap by using the portal. Hand your leader the passes and he will talk to


balloon. Once you have cleared this stage, enter the portal to stage 3.


Stage 3


When you enter this stage, all of you should go down wards and hit the boxes

to summon Bloctopus. Kill them, collect its passes and go up to fight the

rest of the remaining bloctopus and then hand all the passes to your leader.

You need 32 passes to clear this stage. Once you are done, your leader will


the ballon in this stage. Then go towards the portal to Stage 4.

Monster Data



Bloctopus from another Dimension


Level: 35

Experience: 288

HP: 4,900

Accuracy: 100

Avoidability: 15

Weapon attack: 115

Weapon defense: 120

Magic attack: 125

Magic defense: 150


Stage 4


Once you enter this stage, you will see some dark holes to enter and fight


monsters. The top 2 portals are for mages as the monsters inside are weak to


attack. The last 3 portals below are weak to phisical attacks. One of the


weak to Phisical attacks should have 2 monsters inside. WHen you enter

either one of

these holes, you will be at a place called Tower of Darkness(i think

so).When you

have finished killing the monsters inside, take its pass and grope about in

the darkness

for the ladder and get out. Mark the portals you have already been in, with

10 messos

or an item so that no one will go into the same portal twice. When you are

done, hand

all your passes to your leader and he/she will click the balloon in this

stage. Then,

enter the portal to Stage 5.

Monster Data



Dark Eye from Another Dimension (this monster is weak to phisical attacks)


Level: 43

Experience: 340

HP: 6,500

Accuracy: 120

Avoidability: 18

Weapon attack: 130

Weapon defense: 70

Magic defense: 470

Strong against ice

Strong against lightning

Strong against fire

Strong against holy


Shadow Eye from Another Dimension(this monster is weak to magic attacks)


Level: 43

Experience: 340

HP: 7,100

Accuracy: 120

Avoidability: 18

Weapon attack: 130

Weapon defense: 470

Magic defense: 70


Stage 5


When you enter this stage, a thief should take the bottom floor. But she/he

has to on dark sight first to get past these King Block Gollems as these

hit 8k Hp! Hit the boxes and return to the top with the passes. THen, the


should enter the top portal and teleport down. This stage is only for


drop to the bottom after hitting the first box then climb up to hit more.

WHen you

are done , drop to the bottom again and get out using the portal.The rest of


members should take the other portals and mark them as usual when you have


it. Then hand your passes to the leader who will click the ballon in this

stage to

go on to stage 6.

Monster data



King Block Golem from Another Dimension (note: DO NOT ATTACK!!!)


Level: 200

Experience: 1

HP: Invincible

Accuracy: 999

Avoidability: 999

Weapon attack: 999

Weapon defense: 999

Magic defense: 999


Stage 6


In this stage, you have to jump in the correct order of the boxes and press


you finish, there will be a portal for you at the top to enter to Stage 7.

FOr those

who do not know the order, this is the order : 133 221 333 123 111. This


never changes. It remains the same. WHen you are done, press up on the

portals and

you will appear in stage 7.


Stage 7


In this stage, an assassin or bowman who has a long range attack the 3 rat


at the top. It is recommended to kill 1 ratz,wait for the party to finish

killing the

1st rombot before killing another Ratz as Rombots are pretty hard to kill.

THe rest

of the party should go down and wait for a rombot. While you kill the

rombot,it will

summon Block gollems on the way as its hp lowers. QUickly kill them and get

back to the

rombot. Then hand all the passes to your leader who will talk to the balloon

in this

stage to enter stage 8.

Monster Data



Block Golem from Another Dimension


Level: 40

Experience: 408

HP: 6,500

Accuracy: 150

Avoidability: 12

Weapon attack: 145

Weapon defense: 130

Magic defense: 110

Strong against lightning

Strong against ice

Weak to fire


Ratz from Another Dimension


Level: 32

Experience: 260

HP: 3,700

Accuracy: 80

Avoidability: 13

Weapon attack: 112

Weapon defense: 85

Magic defense: 95


Rombot from Another Dimension


Level: 47

Experience: 850

HP: 33,000

MP: 220

Accuracy: 150

Avoidability: 18

Weapon attack: 175

Weapon defense: 185

Magic attack: 195

Magic defense: 200


Stage 8


When you enter this stage, you will realise it is almost similar to that of

Kerning PQ. the boxes are arranged in this order :




As there are 9 boxes, you may take a longer time to do this stage. Do not


on Haste in this stage as you will have a harder time trying to get on the


Some numbers like 6,7 and 8 are quite difficult to reach. The only way to

reach them

is to, example : jump from the floor to number 3 then fall on your right

side to

reach number 7. Or Jump on number 4 from the ground and drop to your left

side to

reach number 6 or drop to your right side to reach number 8. Pretty


The orders go like this :



,12567,12568,12569,12578,12579,12589,12678,12679,12689,12789 and maybe even

on and on and


When you have gotton the correct combination, a portal will open and you can

enter it

to get to the last stage.


A Crack in the Wall


When you enter this stage, which is often known as Stage 9 or last stage, on

all your

skills like: example, Haste,Meditation or even accuracy pill.

When you are done, an assassin or bowman with a long range shoot the ratz on


platform that is difficult to reach. When it drops a pass, it must come in


with the box on that platform to summon Alisha. If it fails to do so, you

are doomed!

When Alisha is summoned, immediately start fighting it. If you have a


he/she must start healing non-stop! It can be very troublesome

as it will keep cursing or blocking your attacks from being used. Use all

Cure potions

to get rid of those and quickly get back to fighting. WHen its HP lowers, it


first start summoning Chronos, followed by Platoon Chronos then Master


When you have killed it, your leader should pick up the key it dropped and

talk to

the balloon to get to bonus stage.

Monster Data





Level: 56

Experience: 4,800

HP: 125,000

MP: 2,500

Accuracy: 160

Avoidability: 26

Weapon attack: 280

Weapon defense: 210

Magic attack: 260

Magic defense: 240

Strong against ice

Strong against fire

Strong against lightning

Strong against holy

Strong against poison


Black Ratz from Another Dimension


Level: 34

Experience: 280

HP: 4,300

Accuracy: 90

Avoidability: 14

Weapon attack: 125

Weapon defense: 95

Magic defense: 95


Platoon Chronos


Level: 41

Experience: 99

HP: 2,050

MP: 50

Accuracy: 145

Avoidability: 22

Weapon attack: 125

Weapon defense: 130

Magic attack: 142

Magic defense: 160


Master Chronos


Level: 46

Experience: 115

HP: 2,600

MP: 70

Accuracy: 155

Avoidability: 24

Weapon attack: 130

Weapon defense: 170

Magic attack: 160

Magic defense: 200




Level: 37

Experience: 82

HP: 1,750

MP: 30

Accuracy: 135

Avoidability: 20

Weapon attack: 117

Weapon defense: 90

Magic defense: 120


Bonus Stage


In this stage, you are only given one minute to hit boxes. Don't bother


up anything unless it is pots or Napolean. Napoleans are very common in this


You can also find other things like earings.ect. When your timer hits 50


anybody outside can enter PQ so if you want to chiong, when you get in,


leave this stage, collect your prize and go and talk to the Red SIgn

quickly. If you

decide to stay, it is alright too.




When you leave bonus stage, talk to a man to receive your prize. Once you

have done

so, you will be teleported outside to Eos Tower : 101th Floor again.



Potions : 100 blue pots

10 Elxairs

and lots more...

Equip : Napoleans of different colours

Earings : Blue moon


Ects : Ores of different types



Scrolls : 100% scrolls : a lot..

60% scrolls : lots

10% scrolls : many different types too

So overall, you should get around 36k experience from this PQ




- Thank-you to readers reading my PQ guide.


Some Tips


- Be polite to your party members, if you are rude, the leader of the party

may kick

you or people may leave your party.

- In bonus stage, don't loot your party member's items like Napolean if they

are lucky

to find it. They may end up cursing you.

- Be helpful and help your party members kill monsters.

- Be at least level 40 before you do PQ or you may end up having a hard time

in PQ.


Happy Mapling and doing Ludibrium PQ! I hope i have helped you. Thank you

for reading.

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