It's time to Ludibrium PQ (LPQ).
Your party needs to include a Magician with Teleport, a Bandit or Assassin with Dark Sight, and an Assassin with maxed Keen Eyes or a Crossbowman with maxed Eye of the Amazon. A Cleric is highly recommended. All-Cure potions are also highly recommended, as the battle with Alishar will occasionally leave your skills locked or your character being inflicted with the darkness effect.
To be a leader you need an empty channel (a channel that is not full with a party already doing the party quest) or track. A track is where you write into your text bar /find username. This will allow you to track the stage of the party inside doing the PQ and will be ready to click to get in when they're at the last stage. maple story mesos
Stage 1:
Whatever you do, don't click on to Sgt. Anderson. He brings you out and there are no questions to answer for how many passes you need like in KPQ. Just kill all the rats and give the passes to the leader to clear. maple story mesos
Once cleared only 1 person who said they'll go into the next stage first goes in, if that's not you, don't go until he says clear. (Pic below)
Stage 2:
Hit the blue boxes and collect the passes. Do not leave passes if not they'll disappear. Give the passes to the leader. (Pic below)
Stage 3:
Kill the Bloctopus and collect the passes, give them to the leader. maple story mesos
(Pic below)
Stage 4:
If you're a mage, go to one of the top portals, if you're anything else you go to the bottom 2 portals that you can go into. One of those portals has 2 monsters in them. Be sure to mark your portal before you enter. Don't enter marked portals unless they need help and don't forget to mark. (Pic below)
Stage 5:
Go into a portal and hit the blue boxes for the passes. Collect them and give them to the leader. Everyone has to do 1 portal. If you're a Mage you can do the very top portal and if you're a thief, you can do the portal under the Golems. Never jump into the Golems without Dark Sight. They'll kill you instantly. Mark before you go into a portal. You need not mark for the thief portal. Everyone will be racing for mage and thief because they are the easiest. (Pic belowt)
Stage 6:
Go up the pink blocks this is the combo you step on to the pink blocks and press up: 133 221 333 123 111. (Pic below)
Stage 7:
An Assassin or Bowman will attack the rat on top to release the Rombards. The rest will kill them and give the passes to leader. (Pic below)
Stage 8:
Get onto the boxes and if you don't know how to do it, go on 1 or tell your party. You do the same method to try to get every combo the combos are:
Remember to slide trough boxes and not just jump on to the box because it's impossible.(Pic below)
Crack on the Wall: First an Assassin or Bowman attacks the rat and then Alishar is summoned. Kill it then give the keys to the leader. Then choose the brush or bonus.
Brush is when you go into bonus and someone leaves/gets expelled and then he rejoins the party so you can skip bonus while clearing Determine to Adventure but you'll only get back into PQ - 80% of the time. Bonus is you do bonus and after 50 seconds you come out and try to go back into PQ, remember people can get into it while you're doing bonus in that 50 seconds unlike KPQ so it's only 30% chance but bonus gets you good equips. (Pic below)
Bonus: Attack the boxes for stuff. (Pic below)
Determine to Adventure:
Go up and take to Arturo, make sure you have at least 1 space in every category in your inventory. (Pic below)
Rewards of PQ and things you can get in Bonus.
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