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Thursday, May 20, 2010

Four Types of Skid Steer Tires

There are basically four types of skid steer tires. These types include pneumatic, solid, foam-filled, and semi-pneumatic. Each type of tire has its own advantages and disadvantages. This article will discuss the various types of skid steer tires.


One of the first types of skid steer tires is pneumatic. These tires are filled with air and are usually the standard tire that comes with a skid steer. They are popular because they are the least expensive. As you already know, air-filled tires are prone to punctures. This is the problem the next three types were designed to address.


Solid tires aren't filled with air, but are made of one piece of solid rubber. These tires are not prone to punctures like the pneumatic variety. They also have no tread, so they will last longer than other types of tires. However, these skid steer tires are uncomfortable to ride on because they don't absorb shocks. This reduced shock absorption will also help wear down the skid steer. Solid tires are also the most expensive because they use the most rubber.


One of the next types of skid steer tires is the foam-filled variety. These tires are hollow pieces of rubber that are filled with polyurethane foam. Foam-filled tires aren't prone to punctures and are more comfortable to ride on than solid tires. These skid steer tires also have more tread options than other types. The only drawback of these tires is that the foam can leak out if the tire sustains enough damage in rough terrain.


One of the final types of skid steer tires is semi-pneumatic. Semi-pneumatic tires are solid tires that have holes in the sidewalls. These holes are designed to provide shock absorption. Therefore, semi-pneumatic tires will provide a more comfortable ride than solid or foam-filled tires. These skid steer tires will also last longer because they have deeper treads. The major disadvantage of semi-pneumatic is that they cost more than twice as much as other types of tires. Also, the holes in the tires can snag on metal and easily get damaged.

These are the different types of skid steer tires. Pneumatic, or air-filled tires, are the most common. Solid tires aren't prone to punctures like the pneumatic variety, but are very uncomfortable to ride on. Semi-pneumatic tires are more comfortable, but cost more than twice as much as other types of tires.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

we just bought some skid steer attachments for our garden tractors and it was really awesome