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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

How to Use an Air Pneumatic Nailer in 10 Easy Steps

Using an air nailer has the potential of saving you a lot of time and effort -- if you learn about air nailer safety. Follow these 10 air nailer tips on how to use your pneumatic nail gun safely and effectively, and your kitchen cabinets will hang in no time!

Define Your Air Nailer Need

Will you attach kitchen cabinets to a wall or frame a house? Just like you won't use a sledge hammer to hang a picture, you wouldn't use an air nailer capable of shooting 16 inch nails for small jobs. Understand what kind of pneumatic nail gun you need and buy accordingly. Grainger is a great source of various different makes and models.

Learn How to Use Your Air Compressor

If you opt for an air nailer that relies on a stand-alone air compressor, learn how to use the compressor. Air nailer safety depends on all the components involved during a project, and this includes the stand alone compressor (if required).

Get Out the Safety Gear

Safety goggles might not get you many dates, but having two eyes greatly enhances your odds of doing well with the ladies (since most nail gun accidents happen to men - according to the CDC - I am addressing the men here). Wear safety goggles and - if you work in confined spaces - also invest in some ear protection. These air guns can get loud!

How to Use Air Nailer Tools: Read the Manual

Read the manual that came with your pneumatic nail gun. Even if you just replaced an identical model, read the section on how to use the air nailer safely, just in case there are some updates since the last time you bought a model.

Understand how the Pneumatic Nailer Works to Lessen the Recoil Shock

Depending on the application of your air nailer, you may experience quite a bit of recoil. Be prepared by learning how your air nailer works. Lowe's offers a great explanation on the subject.

Air Nailer Safety in Confined Spaces

If you are using a palm nailer, you won't have to worry too much about working in a confined space. On the other hand, if you are using a powerful full sized model, the recoil from a badly placed nail can literally lead to a head injury. Unless you use a mini model, do not use your pneumatic nail gun in confined spaces where it is close to your body.

Start Out Slow In Single Cycle Mode

Once you have read everything there is on air nailer safety, it is time to get to work. Start out slow by working in single cycle mode. In this setting, you are only releasing one nail at a time, allowing you to get a feel for the workings of the pneumatic nail gun. From there, you may graduate to the sequential mode, which makes these tools so speedy.

Don't Circumvent the Contact Trigger

If your air gun is equipped with a contact trigger, you must release the manual trigger at the same time that the tip of your air nailer touches the target location for applying nails. Sure, you could shave a few hundreds of a second off your work by keeping a manual trigger depressed and using the contact trigger as the sole means of controlling the nail application, but in so doing you risk injury, mistakes, and also ricochet from the accidental touching of the tip to stone.

Never Use a Trigger Lock

According to the CDC, these trigger locks are designed for the rapid continuation of the air nailer, but it also takes away your control of the tool. Quoting the CDC, in the four year span between 2001 and 2005, an average 14,800 consumers were seen annually for nail gun injuries. This adds to the yearly average of 22,200 laborers also injured. You might save time by using a trigger lock; then again, you might seriously fall behind schedule due to a hospital visit or stay.

Use the Nails Made for the Air Nailer

Don't jury-rig the nail gun's feeder system. Use only the type and size of nails specifically made for your model of pneumatic nail gun.

A Review of the Bostitch MIIIFS Flooring Stapler

If you need to install hardwood flooring, then you will need a stapler designed especially for the task. The Bostitch MIIIFS is a pneumatic flooring stapler perfect for installing hardwood flooring. This stapler measures 17 inches long and weighs only 11 pounds. You can find it at an average price of $450. Let's take a look at some of the other features offered by this flooring nailer.

The Bostitch MIIIFS is designed to fire 15-gauge staples. It is relatively versatile as it can use either 1 1/2 or 2-inch staples. Also, the tool can hold up to 92 staples at a time. The Bostitch MIIIFS is fitted with a 3/8-inch air inlet. The stapler is designed to operate between a pressure of 60 and 100 pounds per square inch.

The Bostitch MIIIFS features high-speed mallet actuated pneumatic operation. This is much more productive than using manual methods to drive staples into hardwood flooring. This design is capable of providing 420 inch-pounds of driving force. The Bostitch MIIIFS is also designed to drive staples at the proper angle and depth to prevent damage to the surface. You can also adjust it to accommodate different tongue positions and materials of different thicknesses.

You will also appreciate the composite base plates included with the Bostitch MIIIFS. These plates allow you to install 1/2-inch and 3/4-inch bases. These base plates are designed to provide additional stability. The Bostitch MIIIFS is also equipped with a long-reach handle for extra control and comfort. You also have the option of using a shorter handle.

The Bostitch MIIIFS measures three inches wide and 17 inches long. It weighs only 11 pounds, so it shouldn't be too much for you to carry around for big projects. In addition to the base plates, the package for the Bostitch MIIIFS also includes the graphite mallet used to operate the stapler.

If you need to add a flooring stapler to your arsenal of tools, then you should consider buying the Bostitch MIIIFS. The high-speed mallet actuated pneumatic operation can provide up to 420 inch-pounds of driving force. Also, the Bostitch MIIIFS is packaged with 1/2-inch and 3/4-inch base plates to provide additional stability. You will also appreciate the versatility offered by the stapler as it can accept either 1 1/2-inch or 2-inch staples.

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