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Tuesday, May 4, 2010

What is a Pneumatic Tool and Used For

Have you ever heard of a pneumatic tool, but wondered what in the world it is or how it is used? Essentially, it is a jack hammer, and it is used for many things. They come in all sizes and serve many useful purposes.

A pneumatic tool is a tool whose action is derived from the action of compressed air. Pneumatic tools perform both heavy and light tasks and can be used in many operations. Pneumatic grinders, riveting hammers, caulking and chipping hammers, scaling tools, metal drills, rock drills, wood borers, wrenches, saws, picks, and road rippers are in common use.

Compressed air, at some pressure from 60 to 120 pounds per square inch, is supplied to a pneumatic tool through tough, flexible hosing. The compressed air enters a cylinder with a piston. The compressed air expands and pushes the piston to one end of the cylinder. The expanded air is discharged from the cylinder, and the piston returns to its original position. The flow of air into and out of the cylinder is controlled by valves. As this process repeats, a rapid back-and-forth motion of the piston is produced. The motion of the piston is used to give the necessary motion to the bit, pick, or other tool piece of the pneumatic tool. Many pneumatic tools have more than one cylinder and piston. Two or four cylinders and pistons provide more power and smoother operation than one cylinder and piston.

The earliest pneumatic tools were used by miners as rock drills. Pneumatic tools are still much used in mining operations. Large hammer drills that weigh several hundred pounds and are mounted on frames are used in making tunnels. Smaller hammer drills that can be carried and held in position by a man are used for drilling out ore and for other purposes.

Pneumatic picks and road rippers are used to cut or break up concrete roads and sidewalks. Pneumatic spades are used for digging trenches and ditches. Pneumatic hammers are used to pack earth, sand, or gravel firmly in place.

Many pneumatic tools are used in factories and machine and repair shops. Riveting hammers, scaling hammers, chipping hammers, and portable metal drills are some commonly used tools. Riveting hammers that drive in rivets by direct pressure strike 1,000 to 2,000 blows per minute. Another type of riveting hammer, called a valveless hammer, gives very light, rapid blows. Scaling hammers are used to remove paint or incrustation from surfaces.

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